Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

(video) B2ST unveils Japanese version of “SHOCK” MV

After a long wait and much anticipation, B2ST’s music video for the Japanese version of “SHOCK” has arrived!

Four versions of their Japanese debut single will be released this coming March 23rd, of which their three limited editions will contain a combination of T-shirts, stickers, and DVDs of their MV and live performances.

You can read more info on their debut single release by clicking here.

Check out their MV down below!

source : allkpop + youtube

(news) Super Junior-M releases their “Perfection” mini album

Having released their “Too Perfect” music video earlier, fans have been waiting patiently for the official release of their album on February 25th in Taiwan, followed by March 3rd in Korea.

It’s been almost 3 years since Super Junior-M debuted with “Me” album, and the group has since undergone member changes, with Hangeng not involved anymore since he filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment, and Eunhyuk and Sungmin coming in.

Besides the title track which we have already heard earlier, the album also contains five brand-new Chinese songs, including HENRY and Zhou Mi’s compositions, “Off my mind” and “True Love,” as well as “Love is Sweet,” written by Jay Chou.

source : allkpop

(video) MBLAQ “Again” on Music Core

Having just released their repackaged album, “BLAQ Style – 3D Edition“, the MBLAQ boys kicked off a new wave of promotions on this week’s MBC’s Music Core.

Their follow-up track, “Again“, is a mashup between electronica, hip hop, and R&B, which features a strong, synthetic melody with a fast and impressive beat, allowing the members to break away from their past sensual images from their “Cry” and “Stay” performances to showcase their stronger and more masculine sides.

Fortunately for fans, Mir made his return to the stage after temporarily resting from his herniated disk injury earlier in the month. With the group back on their feet as the dynamic five once more, fans can now sigh in relief and enjoy MBLAQ’s powerful and synchronized choreography for their new song.

Check out their performance down below!

source : allkpop + youtube

(news) Kim Hyung Joon masuk rumah sakit

Aku, HyungJun ada di sini!

Hi everyone! Aku, HyungJun ada di sini
Saya sangat senang karena ini adalah pertama kalinya meninggalkan pesan di homepage.
Meskipun demikian, saya telah membaca pesan yang diposting oleh semua orang sejak pembukaan. ^ ^
Silahkan sering datang mengunjungi homepage resmi Korea. Album saya akan dirilis pada bulan Maret jadi harap tunggu sebentar lagi.

Bonus ~ untuk pesan pertama saya diposting!
Semoga anda tidak terkejut ketika anda melihat photo.TT
Baru-baru ini, sementara bekerja melalui jadwal saya dan mempersiapkan album, dalam rangka untuk menampilkan image yang lebih besar
Aku punya infus vitamin / injeksi pada hari sebelum syuting video musik ^ ^

Berikut adalah bukti saat mendapatkan suntikan vitamin / injeksi!
Aku mencintai semuanya!


I, HyungJun is here!!

Hi everyone! I, HyungJun is here
I am very excited since this is the first time leaving a message in the homepage.
Even so, I have read the messages posted by everyone since the opening.^^
Please come visit this Korea official homepage often. My album will be released in March so please wait for awhile more

Bonus~ for my first message posted!
Hope you are not shocked when you see the photo.T T
Recently, while working through my schedules and preparing for the album, in order to show a greater image
I got a vitamin drip/injection on the day prior to the filming of music video^^

Here is the a proof shot of getting the vitamin drip/injection!!!
I love you everyone!

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + Indo tranlate:

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

(photos) SHINee’s Key & Taemin for “Elle Girl”

SHINee’s Key and Taemin recently lent their charms for a’ marine boy’ photoshoot with “Elle Girl“, and shared some fun facts about their personalities and lifestyles.

The magazine wrote, “The photoshoot was held at a boutique hotel in Seoul under the concept of expressing a natural and pleasing side to the two members. SHINee, who is known for their sophisticated fashion, paid attention to every detail of the shoot, even on accessories like shoes and glasses. Their modern poses and active attitude brought out awe from the staff on set. They are, after all, SHINee.”

In the accompanying interview, the two were asked to answer a total of 30 questions regarding their personal tastes and day-to-day lifestyles.

When asked about which member they would like to switch bodies with, Key answered, “Minho! I want to know what it feels like to be good at sports.” The reporter also prompted Key to throw out three words which best described him. Key mused, “Unique, ‘Key’-ness, sharp.”

Taemin was asked about which body part he notices first when looking in the mirror, to which he replied, “Eyes! I look at my pupils and hypnotize myself.” Regarding his feelings on celebrating his birthday, he revealed, “I get worried when my birthday draws near because I feel like time passes too quickly. I don’t want to become an adult yet.”

Check out the rest of their answers in the March edition of the magazine.

Source : Newsen via Daum
Photos : DCSHINee, kindegarten
credit : allkpop

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

(news) Kim Kibum explains his departure from U-KISS

Earlier today, we reported on the departure of Alexander and Kim Kibum from idol boy group, U-KISS.

Moments ago, Kibum explained his decision through a long tweet, which read:

“Hello this is U-KISS Kibum, or more specifically, an ex-member of U-KISS, Kim Kibum.

After two months of delay, I’ve finally plucked up the courage to write this post.

First off, the agency and I have made an agreement about my exclusive contract on February 2011.

As the agency desired a member replacement, we wrote out a consent document for a contract dissolution, and from that day on, I became a former member of U-KISS.

Contrary to what most of you might be thinking, this is unrelated to my Piro Piro business… nor is it about losing interest in U-KISS.

I always thought importantly of U-KISS more than anyone, and I’m proud to say that not once did my Piro Piro character business impede my schedules with U-KISS..

I always thought of the members as more than family. I’m extremely upset that I have to part with them like this, but it was because of my lacking areas which warranted my former agency to desire a member replacement.

I may be leaving on a one-sided decision, however, I was able to learn a lot and meet many people, as well as the U-KISS members.

My feelings are very mixed up on the thought that the few lines in this message could hurt a lot of people I love.

I will continue my personal activities on broadcast.

Thank you to all the people who supported me wherever I was, and I will meet you once again as an entrepreneur,

Thank you.”

Source: Kim Kibum’s Twitter (@90KKB)+

(news) Alexander & Kim Kibum to leave U-KISS

Industry representatives revealed on February 23rd that U-KISS‘ Alexander and Kim Kibum disclosed that they would be leaving the group. As such, the two will not participate in U-KISS’ comeback album.

Alexander was reported to have discussed the issue at length with his agency, and eventually decided to leave for personal reasons; it’s also said that Alexander wanted to pursue his studies.

Kim Kibum will be leaving in order to focus on his character company with his older brother, SS501’s Kim Hyung Joon. Some fans felt that their premonition had come true when they read Kim Kibum’s earlier tweet, which said, “This March, I have news you might not like. But when the time comes, I will tell it like it is.”

Source + Photos: Star News via Daum +

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Super Junior-M_太完美_(perfection/too perfect) MUSIC VIDEO

Let's check our oppa Suju M new movie from their new album, there are two new members from Suju, they are Eunhyuk and Sungmin. The MV is amazing.

credit :

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

(news) SS501 kim hyung joon membuat terpesona 3.000 Fans Jepang Pada Showcase Solo

SS501 kim hyung joon membuat terpesona 3.000 Fans Jepang Pada Showcase Solo

Pada 19 Februari, kegiatan solo SS501 Kim Hyung Joon resmi dimulai lewat sebuah karya khusus di Tokyo pada perayaan rilis album barunya.

Diadakan di Shinagawa Prince Hotel, idola mendirikan fanclub resmi Jepang di acara tersebut, dan mengungkapkan pertunjukan dari musikal "Kafein".

Pada penampilan kedua, Kim Hyung Joon memikat 3.000 penggemarnya pada acara tersebut dengan memberikan karismatik pada sampul EXILE’s “Tada Aitakute“, SS501’s “U R Man“, dan banyak lagi.

Seorang wakil dari Avex memuji, "Selama empat jam, Kim Hyung Joon menyajikan tahap sempurna. Kami sangat menantikan untuk album solonya menjadi mega hit di kedua negara yaitu Korea dan Jepang. "

S Plus entertainment menambahkan, "Kami juga sedang merencanakan solo album showcase untuk Korea. Sebuah tur Asia juga dalam proses, dan jadwal akan segera terungkap. "

Idola itu kembali ke Korea pada tanggal 20 dan sedang menyelesaikan persiapan untuk kegiatan solo


SS501's Kim Hyung Jun Captivates 3,000 Japanese Fans At Solo Showcase

On February 19th, SS501’s Kim Hyung Joon officially kicked off his solo activities through a special showcase in Tokyo in celebration of his upcoming album release.

Held at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel, the idol established his official Japanese fanclub at the event, and revealed show clips from his musical, “Caffeine“.

During the second part of the showcase, Kim Hyung Joon captivated his 3,000 fans at the event by delivering charismatic covers of EXILE’s “Tada Aitakute“, SS501’s “U R Man“, and many more.

A representative of AVEX praised, “For four hours, Kim Hyung Joon presented perfect stages. We are looking forward to his solo album becoming a mega hit in both Korea and Japan.”

S Plus Entertainment added, “We are also currently planning his solo album showcase for Korea. An Asian tour is also in the works, and the schedule will be revealed soon.”

The idol returned to Korea on the 20th and is finalizing his preparations for his solo activities.

Source: allkpop + indo trans:

(news) 'Playful Kiss' Japan special performance di tayangkan langsung di teater

Kim hyun joong menantang 'Yong Sama'?, 'Playful Kiss' Japan special performance di tayangkan langsung di teater
'Playful Kiss' Fuji TV broadcast memperingati, March at NHK hall 'Naughty Kiss' special performance '

"Aku akan menjadi lebih baik dari kakak."

Berasal dari penyanyi aktor Kim Hyun Joong melemparkan tantangan pada 'bos' Bae YongJoon.

Kim Hyun Joong akan menghadiri MBC 'Playful Kiss' Fuji TV siaran special performance 'yang diadakan pada tanggal 13 Maret di Jepang NHK Hall. Selain aktor Lead Kim Hyun Joong, Jung SoMin, Lee TaeSeong akan berpartisipasi dalam pertunjukan ini, setelah tiket terbuka untuk dijual, kedua sesi sudah habis terjual pada waktu yang sama.

Untuk ini, Kim Hyun Joong mengatakan kinerja ini akan disiarkan langsung. agensi Kim Hyun Joong KeyEast berkata: "penjualan tiket langsung terjual habis selama pembukaan penjualan, karena ada penggemar yang ingin di acara tersebut tetapi tidak bisa mendapatkan tiket, sehingga memutuskan untuk memiliki penayangan ulang di teater nasional."

Di Jepang, siaran televisi live merupakan ukuran untuk menilai popularitas bintang hallyu itu. Sebelumnya pada tahun 2008, pemegang saham utama badan Kim Hyun Joong's, Hallyu Star Bae YongJoon's 'Legenda 4 Dewa' Fanmeetnya juga ditayangkan di Jepang teater nasional.

Sementara itu, setelah selesai syuting film MBC 'Playful Kiss' tahun lalu, Kim Hyun Joong sibuk dengan persiapan album solonya.


Kim HyunJoong challenge 'Yong Sama'?, 'Playful Kiss' Japan special performance live telecast in theatre
'Playful Kiss' Fuji TV broadcast commemorative, March at NHK hall 'Naughty Kiss' special performance

"I will become better than brother."

Originated from a singer's actor Kim HyunJoong threw his challenge to 'boss' Bae YongJoon.

Kim HyunJoong will attend the MBC 'Playful Kiss' Fuji TV commemorative broadcast special performance held on 13 March at Japan NHK Hall. Other than Lead actor Kim HyunJoong, Jung SoMin, Lee TaeSeong will participate in this performance, once the tickets are open for sale, both sessions are sold out at the same time.

To this, Kim HyunJoong said this performance will be live telecast. Kim HyunJoong agency KeyEast said: "Performance tickets were sold out immediately during the opening sale, because there are fans that wish to be at the event but couldn't get a ticket, therefore decided to have live telecast in nationwide theatre."

In Japan, live telecast is a measurement to judge the hallyu star's popularity. Previously in 2008, Kim HyunJoong's agency major shareholder Hallyu Star Bae YongJoon's 'Legend of the 4 Gods' fan meeting was also live telecast in Japan nationwide theatre.

Meanwhile, after completed filming MBC 'Playful Kiss' last year, Kim HyunJoong is busy with the preparation of his solo album.

Chinese translation: xiaoyudian @
English translation:
indo trans:

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

[New Photos] Kim Hyun Joong in pink Hotsun Chicken calendar

credit: gall.dcinside + credit:
Repost from KHJ baidu +

(news) Kim Hyun Joong and football team "MEN"

Sebuah foto tim sepak bola JYJ Junsu baru-baru ini terungkap.

kembaran Junsu, Juno, baru-baru ini mengupdate di twitter foto sekelompok tim sepak bola mereka, "MEN", yang terdiri dari JYJ JunSu, Kim Jaejoong, Park YooChun, SS501 Kim Hyun Joong, Song Joong Ki, Kim Bum, dan Im Joo Hwan.

Juno juga mengungkapkan hasil pertandingan terbaru mereka di Twitternya: "Kami menang 5-0 melawan STX. Junsu memasukkan dua gol dan satu membantu, Ji Hwan satu gol, Han Sol satu gol, Kyung Jong satu gol. Kami menang 5-3 melawan Hwaseung. Junsu dua gol satu membantu, dan Hyun Joong tiga gol. "

eng trans:
A picture of JYJ’s Junsu’s soccer team was recently revealed.

Junsu’s twin, Juno, recently tweeted a group picture of their soccer team, “MEN“, which consists of JYJ’s Junsu, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong, Song Joong Ki, Kim Bum, and Im Joo Hwan.

Juno also revealed the results of their latest match on his Twitter: “We won 5-0 against stx. Junsu put in two goals and one assist, Ji Hwan one goal, Han Sol one goal, Kyung Jong one goal. We won 5-3 against Hwaseung. Junsu two goals one assist, and Hyun Joong three goals.”

Source : TV Report
courtesy of VITALSIGN / AllKPop + + + indo trans:

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Kim Kyu Jong "Masalah KARA Membuatku Sangat Kecewa, Jika Bertemu Mereka Aku Akan Memberi Mereka Nasihat"

Member SS501, Kim Kyu Jong mengungkapkan pendapatnya menyoal masalah yg sedang dihadapi antara KARA dan DSP Media dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Daily Sports.

“Aku mungkin akan memberi pukulan ringan pada mereka jika aku sampai bertemu dengan mereka. Sangat mengecewakan situasi begini sampai terjadi. Tidak masalah soal agensi apa dimana mereka bernaung, tapi mereka harus tetap bersatu. Aku harap mereka tidak akan pernah melupakannya.”

Kim Kyu Jong melanjutkan, “Aku sudah mengenal dan memperhatikan mereka sejak masih jadi trainee, jadi senang rasanya popularitas mereka di Jepang sangat tinggi seperti sekarang. Baru sekarang lah akhirnya mereka memanen usaha keras mereka, tapi kenapa hal seperti itu harus terjadi. Aku harap mereka tidak terpengaruh kata-kata yg ada di sekitar mereka dan tetap focus untuk selalu bersama.”

Kim Kyu Jong meninggalkan DSP Media di 2010 dan sekarang menjalankan aktivitas solo di bawah naungan B2M Entertainment.

English trans
SS501 member Kim Kyu Jong opinions Questioning revealed problems that were encountered between KARA and DSP Media in an interview with Daily Sports.

"I probably will give a mild blow to them if I got to meet them. Very disappointing situation like this to happen. No matter what agency matter where they take shelter, but they must remain united. I hope they will never forget it. "

Jong Kyu Kim continued, "I already know and pay attention to them since I was a trainee, so glad it seems their popularity in Japan is very high as it is now. Only now is their last effort to harvest them, but why such a thing should happen. I hope they are not affected imaginable words around them and remain focus to always be together. "

Kim Kyu Jong left the DSP Media in 2010 and now runs a solo activity under the auspices of B2M Entertainment.

Source + Photos: Korea Economy via Daum

Via allkpop + planethyun+indotrans

[NEWS] 110131 Dongho will Appear on MBC's Drama Royal Family (로열패밀리)

U-KISS’s Dongho has been expanding his acting career lately through two movie appearances, and he’s just added one more item to his resume. The idol was recently cast into MBC’s “Royal Family“, through which he’ll make his debut in the drama industry.

According to the drama’s production company, Dongho will be playing the role of ‘Jo Byung Jun’, the son of the two leading roles. He’s described to be a smart but cold character who becomes accepted at Harvard University. Despite his achievements, he’s a hard-headed teen who will do anything to ensure himself a brighter future, even going so far as to ask his own mother to give up her parental rights.

The drama centers around a wealthy family that owns ‘JK Group’ and the aspirations, betrayal, love and truth that surround them. Other leads include Yum Jung Ah, Cha Ye Ryun, Jun Noh Min, Gi Tae Young, and Lee Tae Young.

translate indo:

U-KISS's Dongho telah memperluas karir aktingnya akhir-akhir ini melalui dua penampilan film, dan dia hanya menambahkan satu item lebih untuk melanjutkan nya. Idola itu baru-baru ini dilemparkan ke dalam "Keluarga Kerajaan" MBC, melalui mana ia akan membuat debutnya dalam industri drama.

Menurut perusahaan produksi drama itu, Dongho akan memainkan peran 'Jo Byung Juni', anak dari dua peran terkemuka. Dia menggambarkan untuk menjadi karakter cerdas tapi dingin yang menjadi diterima di Universitas Harvard. Meskipun prestasinya itu, dia seorang remaja keras kepala yang akan melakukan apa saja untuk memastikan dirinya masa depan yang cerah, bahkan akan sejauh meminta ibunya sendiri untuk menyerahkan hak asuhnya.

Pusat-pusat drama sekitar keluarga kaya yang memiliki 'JK Grup dan aspirasi, pengkhianatan, cinta dan kebenaran yang mengelilingi mereka. Mengarah lainnya termasuk Yum Jung Ah, Cha Ye Ryun, Jun Noh Min, Gi Tae Young, dan Lee Tae Young.

Source: Star News via Nate

(NEWS) 110202 U-KISS’ Soohyun reveals he was sexually harassed

U-KISS' Soohyun endured a shocking experience while at a foreign airport. Apparently, the idol was sexually harassed by an international female fan as he was returning from an overseas concert.

On E’s “Poker Face,” the idol explained, “There were a lot of fans at the airport and I felt someone touch my butt. I thought one of the members was fooling around, so I didn’t make a big deal out of it. But then, I felt the hand reach into my pants.”

He continued, “I was so shocked – I turned around and saw a middle-aged woman harassing me.”

While the incident is quite disturbing, Soohyun was able to look past it and talk about something lighter for the program.

The idol landed on the topic of his ‘ideal type’, and he choose actress Kim Sa Rang from “Secret Garden“. They both visit the same hair salon, and after seeing her in person multiple times, he eventually fell for her beauty.

Of course, one can’t approach girls just by complimenting their beauty alone. Soohyun learned that she was a Christian, so he struck up a conversation about her religion in order to gain her attention. He said on the show that she was very nice to him in turn.

Indonesian Trans

U-KISS 'Soohyun mengalami pengalaman mengejutkan saat di bandara asing. Rupanya, idola itu mengalami pelecehan seksual oleh penggemar perempuan internasional saat ia kembali dari konser di luar negeri.

Pada E "Poker Face,"ia menjelaskan, "Ada banyak penggemar di bandara dan saya merasa seseorang menyentuh pantatku. Saya pikir salah satu anggota sedang main main, jadi saya tidak membesar besarkannya . Tapi kemudian, aku merasa tangan itu merogoh celana saya. "

Ia melanjutkan, "Saya sangat terkejut - Aku berbalik dan melihat seorang wanita setengah baya mengganggu saya."

Sementara insiden ini cukup mengganggu, Soohyun bisa melihat masa lalu dan berbicara tentang sesuatu yang lebih ringan untuk program tersebut.

Patung itu mendarat di topik 'tipe ideal', dan ia memilih aktris Kim Sa Rang dari "Secret Garden". Mereka berdua mengunjungi salon rambut yang sama, dan setelah melihat di kali beberapa orang, ia akhirnya jatuh karena kecantikannya.

Tentu saja, seseorang tidak bisa mendekati perempuan hanya dengan memuji kecantikan mereka sendiri. Soohyun mengetahui bahwa dia adalah seorang Kristen, sehingga ia memukul sebuah percakapan tentang agamanya untuk mendapatkan perhatiannya. Dia mengatakan di acara itu bahwa dia sangat baik padanya secara bergantian.

Credit: OSEN, Star News via Nate, Allkpop &
Indo trans : SS501 & Ukiss 's Witra

SS501 Kim Kyu Jong dan Heo Young Saeng membuka kehidupan tentang cinta mereka dan rencana karir untuk 2011 berkesempatan bertemu secara lebih dekat dan pribadi dengan 2 member SS501 , Kim Kyu Jong dan Heo Young Saeng yg berada di Manila 3 Februari lali. Ini merupakan tur jumpa fans terakhir dari rangkaian jumpa fans Asia mereka berdua. “Ini pertama kalinya kami ke Filipina. Senang sekali, angin yg sejuk dan terlebih hotel kami dekat laut, sangat baik sekali. Kami harap bisa ke sini lagi untuk liburan. Kami tidak bisa mengatakan tempat mana yg kami ngin kunjungi karena kami memang tidak begitu hapal dan tahu betul tentang lokasi di sini. Tapi kami ingin keliling kota dan menemui banyak orang di sini.” Ucap keduanya lewat seorang penerjemah.

Ketika ditanya soal jumpa fans, Kyu Jong bercerita pengalaman menariknya di Thailand. “Saat di sana kami berkesempatan belajar masak masakan Thai. Karena kami tidak jago memasak, kami sangat gugup dan senang di saaat yg bersamaan. Kami menyuapi beberapa fans dan mereka bilang kalau masakan kami enak. Kami tidak yakin juga iu benar atau tidak, tapi kami senang karena mereka menikmati makanan buatan kami.” Ada satu insiden di Jepang yg membuat mereka khawatir, yaitu seorang fans perempuan tiba2 pingsan ktika sesi jabat tangan karena desak2an para penonton

Meski SS501 masih bersatu, tiap member sedang sibuk dengan karir solonya. Leader Kim Hyun Joong yg sudah 2 kali berakting, membuat Kyu Jong juga ingin lebih fokus ke akting. “Aku berusaha keras untuk berlatih keterampilan aktingku. Belum ada proyek khusus, tapi aku senang sekali bekerja dengan aktris manapun dengan peran apapun yg diberikan padaku.” Aktor favoritnya adalah Johnny Depp.

Young Saeng disebut banyak situs kalau dia akan merilis album solo bulan ini. Banyak situs musik K-Pop yg menantikannya, termasuk para fans karena dia memang punya vokal yg kuat dan bersih. “Aku mempersiapkan diri untuk debut album soloku dan sangat berharap orang banyak akan menantikannya. Seperti ‘Because I’m Stupid’ Aku ingin suatu saat laguku jadi OST drama Korea, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada rencana.” juga bertanya pada mereka soal masalah cinta. Ketika ditanya apa sedang punya pacar, keduanya kompak menjawab kalau mereka sedang jomblo. “Bukan karena kami tidak ingin mencari gadis idaman kami, tapi karena kami tidak punya kesempatan saja. Jadi sekarang kami sedang focus dengan kegiatan kami dulu, karena jika kami bertemu seseorang yg special, kami bisa tidak focus ke pekerjaan kami. Jadi, untuk saat ini kami mau focus ke kegiatan solo kami dulu.” Ucap Young Saeng.

Kedua member ini pun sedikit tertawa ketika ditanya punya berapa mantan pacar. Young Saeng berkata kalau dia punya 4 mantan pacar. Sedangkan Kyu Jong malah bilang kalau dia tidak begitu ingat, apa dia punya 4 mantan pacar atau lebih. Ketika ditanya soal tipe gadis ideal, Young Saeng menjawab, “Aku tidak terlalu meikirkan hal itu, tapi aku agak sedikit pemilih.” Sedangkan Kyu Jong menjawab, “Aku suka seorang gadis yg ramah, cantik dan baik.”

English trans opportunity to meet in a more up close and personal with 2 members of SS501, Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng's reply was in Manila February 3 anesthetized. This is a conference tour last fans of the series of Asian fans met them both. "This is our first time to the Philippines. It's great, cool wind and especially our hotel near the sea, very well. We hope to be back here again for the holidays. We can not say which one we were cold places visited because we did not really remember them and are knowledgeable about the location here. But we want around the city and meet many people here. "Said both through a translator.

When asked about the conference fans, Jong Kyu told me the experience to pull in Thailand. "When we were there the opportunity to learn to cook Thai cuisine. Because we are not good at cooking, we were very nervous and happy at the same time saaat. We fed some fans and they said if our delicious cuisine. We do not believe also iu true or not, but we were happy because they enjoy the food we made. "There was one incident in Japan who make them worry, that a female fan fainted tiba2 ktika handshake sessions because the audience desak2an

Although SS501 is still united, each member is busy with his solo career. Leader Kim Hyun Joong who was 2 time acting, making Kyu Jong also wants more focus to acting. "I try hard to practice my acting skills. No specific project, but I'm so glad to work with any actress in any role given to me. "Favorite actor is Johnny Depp.

Young Saeng is called a lot of sites that he will release a solo album this month. Many K-Pop music sites who look forward to it, including the fans because he does have a strong and clean vocal. "I prepare myself for the debut album soloku and really hope people will look forward to it. Such as 'Because I'm Stupid' I wish someday my song so OST Korean drama, but until now there has been no plan. " also asked them about the problem of love. When asked what was to have a boyfriend, both are compact answer if they're singles. "Not because we do not want to find our dream girl, but because we do not have a chance. So now we're focused in our work first, because if we meet someone special who, we can not focus to our work. So, for now we want to focus on your solo activities we had. "Says Young Saeng.

Both these members even had a little laugh when asked how many ex-boyfriend. Young Saeng said if he had four ex-boyfriend. Meanwhile, Jong Kyu even say if he does not really remember, what he's got four ex-girlfriends or more. When asked about the ideal type of girl, Young Saeng replied, "I'm not too meikirkan it, but I'm a little bit picky." While Kyu Jong said, "I like a girl-friendly, beautiful and good."

Source : via triplesphilippines+AFC +


Korean Fan Clubs Rankings until 29 January
1. TVXQ 756,864
2. Big Bang 347,896
3. SNSD 303,371
4. SS501 242,501
5. 2PM 200,768
6. Super Junior 189,602
7. BEAST 167,060
8. Buzz 137,941
9. SHINee 126,803
10. Wonder Girls 102,495
11. FT lsland 100,018
12. 2NE1 98,776
13. MBLAQ 81,061
14. HOT 73.049
15. G.O.D 69,895
16. f(x) 64,047
17. 2AM 60,120
18. S.E.S 59,532
19. Kara 56,240
20. Fly to the sky 49,981
21. Sugar 45,516
22. Monday Kiz 46,031
23. Brown Eyed Girls 44,040
24. The Grace 42.647
25. Trax 34,868
26. C.N. BLUE 34,243
27. 4minute 27,913
28. Davichi 25,480
29. ZE:A 24,510
30. Miss A 21,526


List Korean Idol Ulzzang 2011
1. Ku Hye Sun [Actress]
2. Nam Sang-mi [Actress]
3. Park Han-byul [Actress]
4. Kang Eun-bi [Actress]
5. Kim Hye Sung [Actor]
6. Kim Jung Eun [Kimchi Kids]
7. Krystal [F(x)]
8. YoonA [SNSD]
9. Hara [Kara]
10. Hyomin [T-Ara]
11. Lee Seung Hyun [F.Cuz]
12. Choi Jonghun [FT Island]
13. Heo Young Saeng [SS501]
14. Ryeowook [Super Junior]
15. Park Yun Hwa [T-Max]
16. Yunho [TVXQ]
17. Lee Kiseop [U-Kiss]
18. Lee Jooyeon [After School]
19. Q-Ri [T-Ara]

credit :

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

[Media Photo] Jung Min say "Happy Chinese New Year" wear Hanbok

credits :

Judul 'SS501 Bubar' di Strong Heart Membuat Marah Triple-S

Penggemar grup SS501 sekarang marah.

Pada tanggal 1 Februari, anggota grup SS501 Park Jung Min muncul di program TV SBS 'Strong Heart' dan berbagi cerita tentang perbedaan dengan memulai kegiatan solo di tpik pembicaraan - 'Solo dan Grup'.

Pokok masalah ini muncul ketika Park Jung Min berbicara setengah-setengah dan kalimat 'SS501 Bubar' mulai muncul dalam judul siaran itu.

Untuk ini, para penggemar SS501 telah melakukan protes pada papan pengumuman 'Strong Heart',"Ini bukan pembubaran, aku benar-benar terdiam", "Kami dengan sopan meminta maaf", "Sepertinya Anda semua tidak menempatkan fandom SS501 kita pada pandangan Anda, benarkah ini adalah The-Strong-Heart hah", sehingga menuntut permintaan maaf atas kesalahan produsen.

Setelah mengakhiri kontrak mereka dengan agensi sebelumnya DSP Media, SS501 telah berpindah agensi. Kim Hyun Joong adalah orang pertama yang pindah ke Keyeast, setelah itu baik Kim Hyung Jun dan Park Jung Min, keduanya juga pergi ke agensi terpisah yang berbeda. Dan kemudian, Heo Young Saeng dan Kim Kyu Jong juga pindah ke B2M Entertainment di mana Lee Hyori berada di sana.

Di tengah fandom SS501, ada juga sekumpulan fans yang mengkhawatirkan benar tidaknya berita bahwa SS501 telah dibubarkan. Namun, melalui banyak wawancara, semua anggota SS501 telah mengungkapkan bahwa "ada kemungkinan yang besar untuk semua berlima dari mereka bersatu lagi di panggung yang sama bila memungkinkan, meskipun mereka mungkin sedang mengejar kegiatan terpisah mereka pada saat sekarang ini".

Catatan: Ketika saya pertama kali menonton di suatu tempat, saya sudah bingung. 'SS501 해체 라고요'????? Hal ini langsung masuk dalam pikiran. JM tidak menyebutkan apapun tentang itu. Begitupun dua pembawa acaranya. Setelah itu sub judul 'SS501 해체' keluar. '해체' memiliki arti 'bubar'. Ini bukan pertama kalinya kesalahan kecil seperti ini muncul dalam program / jenis / bahkan program skala besar. Mereka harus mempekerjakan lebih banyak orang yang profesional.

credits : (source) + (English translation) ode @ + (Indo translation)
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